In this webinar Amy Forrester shares her key takeaways on behaviour management.
This webinar will focus on practical, evidence informed strategies regarding managing behaviour in the classroom. Amy will cover a number of approaches, as well as exploring the ways in which we view behaviour, and how these are best deployed to help us all achieve excellent behaviour in the classroom.
Amy is an experienced pastoral and behaviour leader in a secondary school in the North West of England. She writes for a number of publications on behaviour and pastoral care, as well as supporting teacher development of behaviour management.
- Download Amy’s presentation
- Behaviour management in the classroom
- Behaviour Advice for new teachers
- Beyond Behaviourism Motivation and Self-Regulation in the Classroom – An Impact article from Sue Cowley explores some of the challenges with behaviourist approaches to behaviour management and proposes some alternatives
- Webinar playback: Behaviour management Q&A – Tom Bennett in conversation with Amy Forrester
- A review by Tom Bennett for the DfE looking at how school leaders can create a strong culture around behaviour in their school. Tom Bennett also produced this practical guide.
- The Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance report on improving behaviour in schools, including research evidence in this area- Improving Behaviour in Schools | EEF
- EEF Improving behaviour: evidence review
- A summary poster based on the Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance report
- By using research-based strategies combining appropriate levels of dominance and cooperation and an awareness of student needs, teachers can build positive classroom dynamics. Marzano and Marzano 2003 ‘The Key to Classroom Management
- Wannarka and Ruhl 2008 – Seating arrangements that promote positive academic and behavioural outcomes: a review of empirical research
- Webinar playback: ‘Teach Like a Champion’ with Doug Lemov
- Behaviour Management: practical tips
- Classroom routines are an important part of making classrooms safe and productive spaces for pupils to learn. Reflecting on classroom routines
- Here are some steps you can take to pull your classroom into shape: Resetting and rebooting behaviour