Primary Geography

Time: 4.00p.m. – 5.30p.m.

Facilitators: Paula Owens, Geoconsultancy

Resources for the session

A storybook that could support geography

A blow up globe


In this first session, Paula Owens, Geography specialist, will focus on the essence of geography and how we can recognise and build high-quality practice and provision that will impact on learners.  Join us to learn about the essential ingredients for planning a purposeful curriculum with progression in mind, that will help inspire children’s curiosity and fascination about the world.

The session will ensure you are more confident and knowledgeable about:

  • recognising and facilitating high-quality geography;
  • planning for geography with progression in mind;
  • teaching geography in effective and inspiring ways.

For more information and to register for the live session click here.

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