Time: 4.00p.m. – 5.30p.m.
Facilitators: Paul Bracey, Primary History Consultant
What Does Teaching Primary History Involve?
Join Paul Bracey, History specialist, to explore:
- The nature of history – disciplinary, subject and process knowledge;
- The History National Curriculum – expectations at Key Stages 1 and 2;
- Planning a history lesson – key questions, planning tools and sequencing learning.
Resources for the Session
Trainees are expected to have downloaded all of the resources.
If possible, please print of the Walter Tull sequencing cards, cut them up and sequence them chronologically in a line across the middle of a flat surface.
Pre-session reading
DfE (2014) National Curriculum History.
Doull,K. Russell,C and Hales, A. (2019) Mastering Primary History. London: Bloomsbury. Chapter 1
Freeman, J.(2015) Assessment and Progression without levels: Where do we go from here? Primary History. Issue 69, pp.8-13