Primary Science

Time: 4.00p.m. – 5.30p.m.

Facilitators: Sarah Dagnell, STEM Learning UK


Understanding the Requirements of the Primary Science Curriculum
Join Sarah Dagnell from STEM Learning UK as she helps participants to understand the requirements of the primary science curriculum and improve their understanding of working scientifically.  The session will explore the types of enquiry used within science and how to develop enquiry skills in the primary classroom.

Resources for the Session

Pack of Skittles

White small plate/bowl with flat bottom

Glass of water

Page 3 of helicopter template



Timer (could be phone)

Page 1 & 2 Post-it planning boards

Pre-session reading

Pages 3 & 4 of the Science programmes of study: Key stages 1 and 2 National curriculum in England

For more information and to register for the live session click here.

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